Classes and Reiki Shares
Note: Most classes are being held in person. Some classes are currently being held via Zoom – once you register you’ll receive the meeting link and information.
Reiki I | Reiki II | Reiki Master Level | Reiki Shares | Other Classes
Reiki I Attunement / Certification
Discover a modality of easing discomfort, restoring balance and sustaining health through this refined, ancient art of hands-on healing. Reiki is both relaxing and rejuvenating.
The first level of Reiki includes a history of Reiki, detailed information about the chakras (energy centers), an understanding of “universal life-force energy”, how to do a Reiki healing session including hand positions and being attuned to this energy by sacred ritual. You will learn to treat yourself, family members, loved ones and friends.
Reiki I is open to all; no prior experience is necessary. This is a prerequisite for Reiki II and for learning the healing symbols.
This class will be taught by JoAnn Inserra, MS, RMT. JoAnn is a board-certified Genetic Counselor with a Master of Science in Human Genetics. She has been a Reiki practitioner since 1997, became a Reiki Master in September of 2000, and a Karuna Reiki® Master in May of 2008. She is also an ordained Priest in the Order of Melchizidek, an Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapist (IET), and a Level III Reconnective Healing® Practitioner. For more information about JoAnn, click here.
Date: Saturday, March 22
Time: 12:00-5:30pm
Fee: $295
Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050.
Space is limited and paid pre-registration is required. Dress comfortably and please eat lunch prior to class. Snacks and tea will be provided.
Reiki II Attunement / Certification
The second level of Reiki includes learning the sacred symbols for physical healing, mental/emotional healing and distance healing. You will learn to draw the symbols and how and when to use them. The procedure for doing distance healing and cell memory technique will be taught and practiced in the Level II class. This can enhance your own healing as well as your healing practice.
Reiki II is open to those that have completed Reiki I. Proof of completion is required. This is a prerequisite for Reiki II and for learning the healing symbols.
This class will be taught by JoAnn Inserra, MS, RMT. JoAnn is a board certified Genetic Counselor with a Master of Science in Human Genetics. She has been a Reiki practitioner since 1997, became a Reiki Master in September of 2000, and a Karuna Reiki® Master in May of 2008. She is also an ordained Priest in the Order of Melchizidek, an Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapist (IET), and a Level III Reconnective Healing® Practitioner. For more information about JoAnn, click here.
Date: Saturday, May 24
Time: 11:00am-5:00pm
Fee: $375
Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050.
Space is limited and paid pre-registration is required. Dress comfortably and bring lunch. Snacks and tea will be provided.
Reiki Master Level
In the Reiki Master Level Class, you will learn the Master symbols for grounding, bringing the highest energy into a session and for use during the attunement process (spiritual ritual of passing the Reiki energy from the master to the student). Those seeking the Master Level usually either want to enhance the healing energy they are currently using, since the Master attunement increases the energy tenfold from Level II, and/or they know they want to teach Reiki to others. The class includes training on how to do an attunement, information on starting your own practice, and instruction on how to teach all three levels of Reiki. A packet of information will be provided.
This is a special class for those seeking a higher level in their healing journey.
- At least 9 months to 1 year since being certified for Reiki Level II
- Have worked on at least 5 different energies in that time period. (This can include friends, family, pets, etc).
- Have been doing distance healing on a regular basis.
- Have been practicing using the three healing symbols learned in Level II.
- Have a certificate of completion for Level I and Level II
- Have a strong commitment to learn Reiki at the highest level and perhaps teach it to others.
This class will be taught by JoAnn Inserra, MS, RMT. JoAnn is a board-certified Genetic Counselor with a Master of Science in Human Genetics. She has been a Reiki practitioner since 1997, became a Reiki Master in September of 2000, and a Karuna Reiki® Master in May of 2008. She is also an ordained Priest in the Order of Melchizidek, an Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapist (IET), and a Level III Reconnective Healing® Practitioner. For more information about JoAnn, click here.
Date: TBD
Time: 10:00am-5:00pm
Fee: $450
(This class only has one spot left)
Register and pay for two or more Reiki classes and receive a 20% discount!
Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050.
Space is limited and paid pre-registration is required. Dress comfortably and bring lunch. Snacks and tea will be provided.
Distance Reiki Shares
JoAnn hosts Reiki shares three times per month for all those interested in practicing Reiki on others in a small group setting. Must have at least Level II certification. It is a time for sharing experiences and helping each other develop Reiki skills and practices in a safe, fun and always interesting environment. Enjoy this evening of Reiki’s healing effect, release stress and tension, and relax your mind, body, and spirit.
The night usually starts off with a discussion and a sharing of information. It is a time to share valuable information with one another. On some occasions a group distance healing session is done for one or more of the participants’ requests. Then, the group will do table work with several Reiki practitioners working on one recipient. This group healing format provides a wonderful, relaxing, rejuvenating experience for all.
Evening Reiki Shares:
There is a $25.00 fee for each Reiki share. Each share will be held in the evening from 7:30-9:30pm.
Next Reiki Shares: March 3, March 17, April 7, April 21, May 5, May 19
Space is limited, please call to register in advance to get your ZOOM log in information. For information on these Distance Group Offerings, please call JoAnn at 203-438-3050.
Daytime Reiki Shares:
There is a $25.00 fee for each Reiki share. Each share will be held in the morning from 9:30-11:30am.
Next Reiki Shares: March 7, April 4, May 2
Space is limited, please call to register in advance to get your ZOOM log in information. For information on these Distance Group Offerings, please call JoAnn at 203-438-3050.
Monthly Writing Group (Playtime for Spiritual Adults: Mini Retreat)
One Saturday Morning of the Month
March 8 (Int’l Women’s Day Theme)
April 12 (New Beginnings Theme)
May 10 (Mother’s Theme)
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Fee: $25.00
Join our 2 hour Distance Mini Retreat one Saturday morning per month. This group provides a time, place and motivation to journal, relax and regroup. It is a peaceful, serene, supportive environment.
You bring your own journal and your willingness to be creative, express yourself and put forth your beautiful message. Each month there will be: A brief meditation, grounding exercise, visualizations, affirmations, choosing an oracle card for a message and automatic writing to get our creative juices flowing. Learning the process of automatic writing can be life-changing as it is a way to get guidance from our higher self, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, etc.
This group has evolved into a wonderful time of sharing and supporting one another on our journeys. Please ‘Join Us’ for this distance offering!
Contact JoAnn to register at 203-438-3050, Space is limited and pre-registration is required to get your ZOOM log in information.
Other Classes
Intro to Reiki
Discover a modality of easing discomfort, restoring balance, and sustaining health through this refined, ancient art of hands-on healing that works primarily on the Chakras (energy centers). This is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing.
Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive, holistic method of energy work that helps release energy blockages and increase energy flow in the body. There will be an experiential exercise for Chakra Balancing at the program.
When: TBD
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Cost: $55
Where: Various locations TBD
Advanced Energy Healing Techniques for Reiki Practitioners
(Must Have Reiki Level II or Master Level Certification)
For those seeking to learn advanced techniques as they progress in their healing practice on themselves and others. These techniques will enhance a session and assist in removing negative energy from past traumas and incidents. Past lives can be brought to the surface for healing. All of these methods will only bring to the surface what the client is ready to heal/let go of, nothing more.
Techniques to be covered are:
- Grounding/Shielding
- Cell Memory Technique
- Cord Cutting
- Laser Techniques
- How each organ correlates to a different emotion
- Pulling blocked energy out of the field
- Clearing negative energy from the body and aura
- Clearing negative energy from a space/area
- Using angels and color visualizations
Date: TBD in 2025
Time: 12:30-5:30pm
Fee: $295
- Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
- Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050.
- Space is limited and paid pre-registration is required. Dress comfortably. Snacks and tea will be provided. Masks are required.
Applied Kinesiology (AK) for Healthcare Practitioners
(This class may be of interest to laypersons as well)
Learn how to use applied kinesiology (muscle testing) in your healthcare/healing practice to help guide you on:
- How to ask yes/no questions and get a definitive answer
- How to do a system check including mental/emotional points for self and others
- Test foods and supplements to see if they are “good” for you or your client.
- Self Testing
- Reiki practitioners can use AK to decide what chakras or areas to focus on in a session
- Reiki Level II or Master Level Practitioners can use AK to help determine which Reiki symbols to use in a session
- Other energy healers can utilize this tool to help them focus the energy in their sessions
AK can enhance the health care professional’s ability to elicit information from and provide a specific response for their client for their highest healing good. Chiropractors, nutritionists, nurses, osteopaths, physical therapists, psychologists and those doing all types of energy healing work can benefit from learning AK.
When: TBD
Cost: $250.00
Time: 12:30-5:30pm
Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050. Dress comfortably and bring a few items to test (foods or personal care items) that you think you may be allergic or sensitive to.
Private Reiki Refresher Classes:
If you have taken Reiki Level I, II and Master Level and feel you need to review the information before going onto the next level or for your own personal information on your healing journey, these are the perfect sessions for you. We will review the information from the level or levels you register for and you will also receive a new packet. See Reiki Class descriptions above.
1.5-hour refresher Level I, II or Master Level: $185.00
2.5-hour refresher Level I and II: $275.00
2.5-hour refresher Level II and Master Level: $275.00
3.5-hour refresher of all 3 levels: $375.00 (Save doing all 3 at one time)
If you prefer to repeat an entire class and have taken your Level I, II or Master level with me, there is a 20% discount on the full class fee.
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050.
Reiki Class for Mothers and Mothers-to-be
For mothers and expectant mothers. Learn to care for and nurture yourself more deeply and to gently support your children’s health and wellbeing. Learn techniques that can help through labor and delivery, for bonding more deeply with babies and to be able to help babies and small children with anxiety, fear, sleeplessness and the overall agitation that some babies experience. This is a Reiki Level I class where you will learn to apply this gentle, but powerful energy technique for self-healing and for hands-on healing for your children and other loved ones.
When: TBD
Cost: $250
Time: 11:30-5:30pm
Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050
Day of Healing with the Angels
with JoAnn Inserra MS, RMT and Deana Paqua, MA, LMT.
Join us for a day of connecting with the Angels. Through guided meditations, angel writing, the Heartlink Process®, working with Angel cards, crystals and more, we will have fun learning to work with and call on Angels to help us with all aspects of our lives.
When: TBD
Time: 12:30pm-5:30pm
Cost: $250.00
Where: Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – 100B Danbury Road Suite 101, Ridgefield, CT
Contact: For registration and information call JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050.
Space is limited. Paid pre-registration holds your spot. Dress comfortably. Snacks and tea will be provided.
Ordination in the Order of Melchizedek
with Dan Chesbro
Date: TBD
Time: 1:00-5:00pm
Fee: $250
Location: (in person) Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center – Ridgefield, CT
If you want to re-take the class portion there is a $125 charge. There are no re-ordinations.
Join Dan Chesbro for the Ordination into the Order of Melchizidek. This is a very special day of learning, sharing and receiving. The workshop will detail the history of the Melchizedek energies and incarnations and detail the story of the Priesthood. What are the legal ramifications and requirements in becoming a Priest? What is the connection between the Kabala, The Book of Job, The Principle of the Law of One and Melchizedek?
The Order of Melchizedek is a priesthood of individuals committed to teach and / or heal the human condition. Priests are self selected and their ultimate commitment is between God and themselves to share in their own way. Everyone is welcome. There is no dogma, no hierarchy. Upon ordination you receive an “energy boost” to enhance the work that you are already doing. It is a brief sacred ceremony with universal, yet also individual impact.
Space is limited and pre-paid registration is required.
To register contact JoAnn Inserra at 203-438-3050 or