Special Offer
Try a Distance Reiki Session – benefits are similar to an in-person session
50% off your first Distance Reiki Session
Reiki is a wonderful way to reduce anxiety and stress during these difficult times. It can help bring deep relaxation to the body, mind and spirit and can also help boost the immune system.
I am continuing to offer Distance Private Full Virtual Reiki Sessions for those who do not feel comfortable or cannot attend in-person. They are just as effective as in-person sessions. They take less time (are scheduled for 30mins) connecting spirit to spirit and I send an email afterwards to let the client know what messages and insights I received. The cost for a Distance Reiki Session is $105.00.
I am also offering Distance Private Zoom Reiki Sessions. They are 45-60 mins long and $150. This type of distance session allows us to see each other, speak during the session, and share information real-time. It is more similar to being together in person.
Appointments are scheduled for a Distance Reiki Session so that you can be sitting or lying down, quiet and relaxing. The session usually takes 20 minutes (30 minutes total with connecting and grounding). We connect spirit to spirit using the Distance Reiki Symbol which crosses space and time. You may feel very relaxed during the session. Some people report actually feeling the warmth of the energy and/or the tingling, vibration, throbbing sensations that can occur. Once the session is complete, you may feel the effects of it for several hours to several days afterwards (just like an in person session). I will send you an email with what I felt and any messages I received before the end of the same day. When possible, I will send it right after the session.
If you would like me to send you the Distance Reiki whenever I can based on my schedule, I can do that also. In these situations you still receive the full benefit of the session, but are less likely to feel it since you may be doing other things and not be tuned in and aware.
Distance Reiki Shares are being held two evenings and one morning per month via Zoom (zoom.us). Must have Reiki Level II or Master Level Certification to participate. The Distance Shares have truly been wonderful and amazing. For these sessions, it is best to be in a room where you can lie down when it is your turn to receive, either on a bed, sofa, the floor, or a massage table if available. I will explain how it works when we are all on the call. The fee for a Distance Reiki Share is $25.
The monthly Distance 2 Hour Mini Retreats will include a meditation, messages from oracle cards, automatic writing, time for sharing and journaling. Once you register, I will send the Zoom Login Code and Password to join the group for each session. The fee for both the Distance Reiki Shares and the Mini Retreats are $25 each.
I have a PayPal Button on the website for my clients and students. It says Pay for Services on the Services page and About Page. All other practitioners have their own offerings and payment methods. Please go to the Home page or Turning Point Healing Arts & Education Center Our Practitioners page and click on each practitioner that you would like information about.
Be well, be smart, be safe and know that LOVE is the healing energy!
All of this Distance Energy Healing shows even more so that we are all connected, WE ARE ALL ONE, Quantum physics is real, and Love, Light and Information knows NO BOUNDS!
Please share this website (www.turningpointreiki.com) with your friends, family and those you think might benefit from having a Distance Reiki Session, participating in a Distance Group or Individual Offering, or trying one of the many modalities offered at The Center by our very experienced practitioners.
Together let us heal in body, mind and spirit, and stay grounded and grateful.
Thank you!
Yours in Light and Love,